Thursday, September 4, 2014

Business Process Automation in a Nutshell

What is it?

It’s simple to understand the meaning, if you split up the words “Business” “Process” “Automation” if you automate any process in any business in such a way that it happens automatically without human intervention, that too with at most accuracy and optimal speed, that’s called as Business Process Automation (BPA)

Is there any examples?

I can think of hundreds of real time examples, let’s discuss a very simple example:

Example 1:

During those good old days, when we went to a hospital, there will usually be a Nurse standing right outside the Doctor’s room and she will have a notebook and a pen to write down the names of the patients in the order they come in, so that she can people inside in a first come first served basis.

Well! But what are the cons in this process?

·         She might miss a name while unable to manage the crowd
·         If her friends/relatives happen to come in, she might bypass some of the other patients who are already waiting to send her friends/relatives inside.
·         She might have to hit the restroom; meanwhile a couple of patients will walk-in directly, while others were still waiting for her to call them.  
·         She cannot do anything else (e.g. assist doctor) as she has to be there all the time!
·         The worst of all, Doctor has to pay her wages month on month for just this job L

But nowadays, BANG!!!

These “Token Machines” helped us to overcome all those cons mentioned above; it’s just one time expenditure. The only probable problem is if the machine malfunctions (very rare though). However, companies manufacturing these kinds of machines are ready to offer instant and free service during the first couple of years!

Example 2:

In one of the government sectors, where people submit their applications to get permits for their Cars, the application has to be reviewed by three different officers at grades ‘C’, ‘B’ and ‘A’.
Once the Officer at grade C reviews it, he will sign it and leave it on his table, the attender must carry the applications and place it on the table of Officer at grade B for his review, once it is done, the applications must be moved to the desk of Officer at grade A. Once all three of them sign-off an application, the Permit is granted for a Car.

What problems might arise here?

·         All of them, must work at same pace, if any one of them is not available on a particular day, the next day he has to sign-off lot many applications, whereas other two will be idle (considering Office at grade C is on leave)
·         The attender must be keen to move applications from one table to another table on-time
·         There is a possibility that the attender might move a wrong stack of applications
·         It’s a time consuming process to find who is accountable for a mistake (if happens)

Nowadays, we have this software to manage application cascading based on layered approach, if one officer approves, the application will be automatically moved to other Officer’s queue and also generates a reminder email to him. No need of this “Attender” guy at all.

These are the simplest BPAs that I can think of. Nowadays, there are millions of such machines have replaced humans, increasing productivity, offering 24*7 availability with improved speed and accuracy, other examples include:

Simpler Examples

·         ATMs
·         Metal detectors at airports
·         Automated Doors at Restaurants
·         Access Enabled Doors
·         Amazon drones!!

Complex Examples

·         Order Tracking Systems
·         ERP Suites
·         CRM Software
·         Payroll Processing Software
·         Content Management System
·         Data sharing software (e.g. SharePoint)

Think, I have missed anything? or need more clarification?, let me know in comments.